Psalms_cellos for live and pre-recorded cellos | 2008
Programme note
This piece is the synchronization of different versions (played by the same or different cellists) of one musical line. The result of these 'vertical' variations reminds of the effect of different voices which are silently reading the same text or perhaps telling an orison, psalm or a mantra with individual intonations, timbres, tempos etc., thus creating polyphony of interpretations, either coming closer or moving away from each other.
The piece was commissioned by the Huddersfield Contemporary Music Festival (2008) and written for Anton Lukoszevieze.
The same piece exists also in versions for cello and accordion (without electronics) and for violin and pre-recorded violins.
Instructions for the performance.
The piece has to be pre-recorded 3 times (cello II, III and IV), trying to get 3 different versions/interpretations. At the concert there is a live performance of the piece played (cello I) simultaneosly playing together 3 pre-recorded versions. All 4 musical lines should be very balanced; the difference should not be audible. In the ideal situation the loud speakers should be staged as nearly as possible to the player to have one united sound source avoiding the division between the recorded and the real sound. The cello has to be amplified.
Anton Lukoszevieze (UK)
Francesco Dillon (IT) Guna Aboltina (LV) Erik Carlson (NY, version for violins) Manuel Zurria (IT, version for bass flutes)
29 November 2008 Huddersfield Contemporary Music festival, St. Paul’s Church (UK) | 24 April 2009 Jauna Muzika festival, Contemporary Art Center in Vilnius (LT) | 21 September 2009 King's Place in London (UK) | 27 February 2010 Nexus Arts Cafè in Manchester (UK) | 26 March 2010 Teatro Mahole di Milano (IT) |19 May 2010 Conservatorio Piccinni di Bari (IT) | 28 August 2010 Museo della Scultura Contemporanea di Matera (IT) | 15 February 2012 IULM University of Milan (IT) | 29 February 2012 Accademia delle Belle Arti di Macerata (IT) | 20 May 2012 Casa di Pontormo, Pontorme (IT) | 13 March 2013 perf. Francesco Dillon. Chiesa di Gesu redentore, Modena (IT) | 22 August 2013 perf. Guna Aboltina, Dominante festival, St. Peter's Church. Riga (LV) | 14 November 2013 perf. Francesco Dillon, Teatro Hasta Trilce, Buenos Aires (AR) | 15 November 2013 perf. Francesco Dillon, Catedral Nuestra Senora del Carmen - General Roca, Rio Negro (AR) | 16 November 2013 perf. Francesco Dillon. Biblioteca Popular Nicolas Avellaneda de Choele-Choel, Rio Negro (AR) | 21 June 2014 perf. Francesco Dillon, John Cage's Music Circus, The Oriel Centre ad Dundalk Gaol, Dundalk Louth (IE) | 17 January 2015 Musicamorfosi festival, Teatrino della Reggia, Monza (IT) | 18 January 2015 Musicamorfosi, Villa Tittoni, Desio (IT) | 8 February 2016 Auditorium Melotti, Museo di Arte Moderna e Contemporanea (MART), Rovereto (IT) | 10 November 2017 Spazio O'artoteca, Milano (IT)